Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Analise has been begging for quite some time to go to Skateland with some friends. I finally gave in and since there's no school tomorrow for Veteran's Day, tonight was the night.

The good news was that Wednesdays are Dollar Night. (I didn't know this before we got there.)
The bad news was that Wednesdays are Dollar Night. (I think everyone in the greater Kitsap County area was there.) Here are some highlights. Well, maybe they were lowlights.

Things that I witnessed tonight:

-A 12 year old boy wearing WAY TOO MUCH Axe.

-An approximately 6-7 month pregnant 11 year old. (I am choosing to believe she is at least 14, but she didn't look any older than Analise to me.)

-A guy with his pants riding well below crack level. I guess I will be thankful his boxers were pulled up. Didn't that look go out a good ten years ago?

Things that made me throw up a little:

-Analise didn't wear socks tonight! EWWWW!!!!

-Genevieve touched the table in the snack bar and then licked her finger later. Ew, ew, ew . . .

-Some random guy came up behind me while I was skating with Genevieve and put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me for a little while.

What is it, exactly, about skating rinks that invites all that is irmy?
The decor at Skateland hasn't been updated since 1980 and I don't think it's been cleaned since then either. (Although, the bathroom was surprisingly clean. We used it to wash our hands before we left.)

Now that I'm home, I'm considering taking a bath in a tub full of hand sanitizer.


  1. And I thought Whaling Days was the best time to spot the Kitsap Crazies.

  2. Oh Skateland. When I was a kid, skateland was the social hub of my school. I am glad to hear that it is just as creepy as always. I hope there was plenty of shooting-the-duck and tractor trailers to go around.
